Monday, April 21, 2008

Previous Moderator of this blog

I do not know what you did or how it happened but somehow you lost one of my favorited blogs. Please leave me a post


Rob said...

I agree. Shame that the blog suddenly disappeared. :-(

Anonymous said...

weird... what happened?

Admin said...

hey it have move to
Hope you guys enjoy my new site

Admin said...

I have a new site now it is

Hope you Guys Enjoy it

bleeding said...

Hi, guys

I don't really know what happened to the blog. I had no warnings or smth like this. I just entered now and i found this page.

I guess some was very clever and reported me. And i already see some other sites are trying to attract you by lying. These previous posts by "administration" have nothing to do with me!!!

I don't know what happened, i will try to find out and be sure that there will be a new start somehow...

Till then all you leechers and reporters can party. I might pissed you off with my recent comments and you decided to report me. Well done! I hope someday you'll find a meaning in your life and give your energy to create something yours and destroy something else you envy...


bleeding said...

"and not by destroying smth that you envy"

That's what i wanted to write in my last sentence but i'm very pissed off right now and i made a mistake

my farfisa of mine said...

wtf?? what happened :'(

Adoll said...

320 albums ripped with full covers at
i hope u all enjoy.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Dear Bleeding...
I have been following your blog for the last few months. I really like it and have purchased albums because of it. Please keep us informed of what is going to happen.

A faithful follower and listener.


Unknown said...

@Bleeding,your blog is awesome,I hope you can rebuild it again boss.

mkegrn2 said...

WOW! I am shocked. this really bites. Keep us all posted.

rerunx5 said...

i found tons of great music from your blog and hope it continues

if it doesn't work out you could move to Baywords

adam said...

most music blogs i visit these days have gone private to prevent the random label lackey getting sent out to report any sites..

please let me know if you start this up again, as it was an amazing resource for a lot of music I would NEVER have purchased, but would check out for free.

Marcelo said...

When a troll reports a blog,Blogger sends you several warning messages asking to remove ilegal posts before cancelling your account.If that did not happened,perhaps someone has stolen your password.Check it out

Wilobs said...

i really miss yo updateds
pliz come back soon and get me happy again

Anonymous said...


WM said...

OMFG! I was just here last night... Wha' happened? Andrew, please let me/us know what'll happen to your was the only on I visited daily. If you do go private, please invite me. Thanks for all the hard work and sharing.

SCG said...

thx for the info bleeding.... ;(

Unknown said...

hey Bleeding.... it really IS a terrific site that you have, and I have high hopes you'll get it up and running soon enough. I discovered some fantastic artists on here thanks to you, and the selections have been vast in musical scope. I think we should BOYCOTT or report any of the other blogs which try to to poach and link to their sites. Whoever now has this account really should hand it back to you... Good luck. We're here to support you Bleeding!

five46 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
five46 said...

Hey Andrew,

This is a real sad incident. Some a**hole rips apart your cool blog. Anyways Andrew, don't lose your cool, this incident underlines the fact that now you're a real happening guy and envy-ing you and your blog someone has done this. Please, do not let this move you off. Do kindly notify your/our new workaround blog!

kEeP rOcK!nG!!

Unknown said...

This is beyond disappointing. I have found some great music I would have never heard of if it wasn't for this great blog. I just came on and had a very bad feeling in my gut when I saw the page come up differently. Please keep us posted on what is happenning with the future of this blog. I anxiously look forward to having it back.
Thank you for all the great music!

TheAlfredShow said...

Really great blog...lousy folks that tear others down to feel big...will miss you daily...

TiTi said...

They stroke again! I have discovered an amazing array of cool stuff from your site. As I am a vinyl only buyer it came as a great supplement to the huge amount of slabs I am purchasing on a weekly basis. Hoping to get news from you once you resurface somewhere else on the blogosphere ;-)

Dominic & Diego said...

Please keep up us up to date. You're the best!

Wilde Rochester said...

I agree with everyone here. Andrew, your blog was fantastic. I found some amazing artists here whom I absolutely love and support such as Sarah Slean. Thank you for that. Though it wasn't stated as often as it should've been, you were greatly appreciated and well-respected. I hope things can get back up and running. If not, we'll miss the blog dearly. I hope all is well despite the bad news :) Good luck!


mrjazz said...

Bleeding, this is mrjazz. It was me who registered this site after it was taken

from you. I was looking over your new selections and went for a cup of coffee. I

then hit the back key and a message said the name was available to register. I

registered it to keep unscrupuous people from screwing you. I have appreciated

your site for a long time and have no intention of keeping this for myself. You

need to get hold of me so I can turn this blog back over to you. I would hate to

see all the hard work you have done go to waste. I can be reached at For the subscribers: Please do not spam my address.

Let's leave an open line of communication between bleeding and myself.

mihalis said...

hey wat the hell happenned??
it was the best music blog.
will it re-open?

Anonymous said...

Hey Bleeding

Hope u will b back soon! Missing your blog badly! :(

w-basia said...

Please I want this blog back! Who did this? :(

Anonymous said...

Dear Bleeding
Wish you a lot of support in this mysterious case of the disappearing website.
Your site is good for biz so to take it down will do no one good.
Really hope you get it back.
Rob Rotterdam

Al.Chust said...

I have no idea what is heppening. I like this site. I would like to be invited if are thinking to private your blog. In other way, I hope you can re-open the blog. Too many people wait you do it.
Thanks a lot for this good music.

Anonymous said...

I hope you will come back soon, your blog is simply amazing!

Anonymous said...

Please be back soon.Good luck.

Anonymous said...

It would be a real shame if this blog disappeared - an excellent stage for new bands who would have little chance to get attention anywhere else ...

Mr Who said...

I totally agree with all the others.The closing of your blog made me really angry. If you do go private, please invite me.

djdrobins said...

ahh man, this was my morning stop - come in, check your site for new stuff, sample it for the day or so, and if any good - go and buy it. Where am i going to get sample CDs of artists i never heard of now?? :(

Come back soon.

Pelikan said...

+ 1

"I totally agree with all the others.The closing of your blog made me really angry. If you do go private, please invite me."

justjules said...

Man oh man this was one of my favourite resources, I discovered so many bands here and have landed up buying more music then ever, please come back we are launching a large download music service in SA and if you ever wanna blog for us let me know!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, this was my favorite for new bands and new releases. Hope you can reopen the blog. If private I wish you could count on me.
Excuse my english

Anonymous said...

Bleeding, return soon. sorry my english.
P.S. Tell us something

Anonymous said...

Hey Bleeding major bummer, man. Hope you manage to get back up somewhere and keep us posted.
Screw the bastards who messed with this.

Jona said...

totally agreement over here. please try to get in touch with mrjazz and dont let stupid people destroy your great work here!

Anonymous said...

Bleeding - we love ya. come back soon

Anonymous said...

I used to buy some new cd's once in a while.Now they pissed me of,I never gonna buy anything again!
Thank you for all your hard work,
please invite me if you do a forum or something.

Unknown said...

damn it effin party poopers

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew,

Totally agree on all that have been said around here. You did contribute hugely to the music market. Anyone slightly intelligent would know that.
Anyway, please keep up with the good work. U can see that we all support you :)
Greetings and support from Portugal!

Anonymous said...

another sad reader. this time from berlin, germany. only to let you know, that you and your blog will be missed all over the world. was a goo job !

bleeding said...

I need to think all the possible plans and act with he best possible way. I already have a full back-up blog to blogger, i'm not that stupid to let 2 years of blogging disappear in a moment. But i don't think it would be wise to put it up again right now

Let's try to forget what happened, i'm very angry too but we must find a solution soon. Give me a few days to think about it friends. And mrjazz you should wait for my email.


wilbureduke said...

peace of mind and good luck

Adoll said...

I hope you guys to check a site of mine,
I made it 1 week ago and uploading not just new music and released
also old ones and with artists full DISCOGRAPHY
enjoy and come daily for all updates.

Victor R. said...

What happened? my favourite blog, oh shit, I'm so sorry, please return to the blogosphere, thank U!! Víctor R.

Admin said...

Hey the site have Move to

Hope You Guys Like The New Look

Jorge said...

Andrew, be careful, be smart and be strong. Tnks for all your job. Keep us informed if you start this up again. Thanks from Argentina

scarface75 said...

Hello Andrew .... Im Dams From France ...
Im very angry about your blog ...It was fantastic, amazing.... i found some amazing artist here ...It was my favoutite blog!!!
I agree with everyone....and if you doing a private blog ..please invite me

Thanks for everything
Damien from Paris

kerrso05 said...

Mr Jazz thanks for this opportunity to vent are feelings about the loss of Bleeding's Great Blog. I hope you guys work out the problem and come to some arrangement to bring Bleedings Blog back. I see a number of good blogs have also bit the dust eg bolachas grátis and KOKORO it appears that you aren't the only one.
I see some others are trying to jump on the band wagon and try and make it out that they are Bleedings alternative Blog or an alternative blog eg administrator and adoll......what are you guys up too? Why don't you be honest and say that you want to provide an alternative Web Site to download Great Music? Why are you trying to pretend that you are Bleeding? Don't kick the guy when he is down.

bleeding said...

mrjazz i just sent you an email from 2 different accounts of mine to make sure that's me.

please get back to me whenever you can

Anonymous said...

See the reason for the shutdown @

Rawal Pindi said...

go ahead,relaxing.

Anonymous said...

what happened to this blog? the poll asked... well MADONNA F*ing shut down this blog coz of the album HARD CANDY. lol

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew!

This is such a shame, it was an amazing blog! I really hope that the blog will be up again in some time!
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Hi bleeding, all i can say is thanks for all the effort you have put into the blog over 2 years. Its such a shame that someone had to do this but in the end there will be many coming and supporting the great work you did through sharing music. Good luck starting a new one and dont go the same way as robin hood 2.

Adoll said...

My Site contain the FULL RETAIL ALBUM of Madonna HARD CANDY for PROMO ONLY and with quality 320 kbps with full covers

Adoll said...

And also I am not to say I am BLEEDING OR ANYONE
And I like Bleeding SO MUCH he provided me with great albums the past few months
and I hope he will get another blog or solve the problem with this blog soon
I am sorry for what happened to you Bleeding.
I am not saying I am BLEEDING .

Anonymous said...

BLEEDING, we always love u !

jim kosmicki said...

keep up the good fight. Just because labels and artists can't understand that THIS is the new promotion, not radio or promo CDs sent out to a select few, doesn't mean that it should stop.

I have bought many CDs based on what I've heard from this site that I never would have tried otherwise. More to the fear of the big labels, there are many that I HAVEN'T bought because i was able to preview them and decide that they weren't worth the money.

Anonymous said...

Hate to see this site close. you introduce new artists ( with myspace links) to hear stuff not out there yet. Buying artists I havent heard before ... hate to see you go. especially with an ass like ripping off your hard work (and others). Come back soon. Thanks Mrjazz for helping.

Fabrício César Franco said...


Your site has introduced many interesting and otherwise difficult to know artists to me. Thank you very much. If I can ask you something, please don't quit doing this wonderful job! Yours was the first site I visit every morning, so much was my interest in knowing what you have to offer us. Please, keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Thanx bleeding for all the good stuff, lots of them I bought after hearing them for your blog. Wish you all the best and please come back.

Anonymous said...

sad.this is unacceptable.totally disappointed.

radar said...

Thanx bleeding for all the good stuff, lots of them I bought after hearing them for your blog.

ante ela pisw me to kalo!!!

take care

Anonymous said...

Come back, man. Whatever it takes. I already miss you. BTW: --another fine blog-- also has been shut down. What the **** is going on???

Anonymous said...

They won't be able to get them all.
One closes and another opens..............

Admin said...

the new music site is

Hope you guys enjoy

kerrso05 said...

Administrator is NOT Bleeding Administrators site is NOT the alternative site for ALL NEW RELEASES Blog Site. We don't know who he is. So DON'T BE TAKEN IN by this FAKE

Anonymous said...

bleeding - give us a sign man - what are you gonna do - please don't stop.

When do you think you will start again?

Anonymous said...


"Gato" said...

Sad sad sad!!!!!!! U intoduced a lot of new sounds to my life. Hope this blog will come back, stronger!!!!


Anonymous said...

Gutted to see the "temporary" demise of your blog.
I have certainly increased my musical taste since I found your blog.

And not only that I have also helped to swell the coffers of the music industry. Most of the downloaded albums I have liked I actually went out and bought, which was all in the terms and spirit of your site.

Hope you get things sorted soon and hats off to MrJazz for such quick thinking!

Admin said...

the new site is

Hope you Enjoy the new look....

Admin said...

Hey you guys need to no who is administrator my name is

Romain smith! and i am the administrater of

i feel sorry for some of you who miss mp3zzz blog

but this site is better

Download Musics,Games,Movies,Softwares,Ebooks

radinohio said...

no i love this site :(

Anonymous said...

No Romain. Go away.
I tried your site and I was very unsatisfied.

You tricked me into going there and no one should. It is a site full of too many ads and pop ups.

So leave.


Anonymous said...

@andrew you are the best!! please re open this blog..and if you do go private please invite me too :(

Anonymous said...

Still stunned, and must add my voice to the others. This is my favorite blog,and have discovered more new artists here than I can name. I hope you are able to re-laynch soon!

soulless said...

anyway this blog has been deleted but you got a backup of your great effort andrew, this is good. now i am waiting for your decision, please keep posting.
(and the others just step away cos we're tryin to keep up with this guy, maybe someday you can do better)

Anonymous said...

OHMIGOD !! I cannot say anything that hasn't already been said..if you decide this is the end then thank you thank you, I got sooo much great stuff.. I will miss you. you decide to set up somewhere please let us know thanks again

love and hugs

CPH :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Bleeding.

What happend with the blog?

Please keep up us up to date. You're the best!

Unknown said...

hey , whats goin on here ?!!? where's my delicious blog !?!?

Anonymous said...

Bleeding, Hang in there!
We love your blog.

vincent34 said...

Your blog was fantastic, don't give up! There always are and will be stupid people...... Contact me if you start something else!

Anonymous said...

@ adminstrator - i don't care about books, games or pc software and pc in general, so don't tell me it's better.

@ adoll - making a statement that the new madonna is in 320kbps is not very helpfull when after downloading it's obviously in 192 vbr. Wouldn't call this good promotion for your site, then again it's all girlie girlie stuff you offer.... who cares?

@ bleeding - you're blog was the best , missing it a lot, thanx for all the great stuff!! good luck

Unknown said...

oh, i feel like cryin... its just a bad day for me... and now I lost my favorite blog...

ilovemusic said...

This is something
devestatin .bleeding u really did much much koo deed ,hope ur bck with a big bash n new style where nothing can b stolen
music love

Detectief Van Zwam said...

Take your time! Thanks for the very varied styles of music. Enjoyed the blog a lot. Cheers

Unknown said...

Bleeding, props for the blog from Slovenia, too. Keep your chin up, look how many fans you've got. Take this as just a temporary setback.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry and angry for what happened to your blog Mr. Bleeding. It is stupid to report such sites. Anyone who learns and loves a group will buy the original album, so I guesss you didn't do any wrong. Personally I buy vinyl and I have been informed informed about a lot of new releases from you. Keep up with the good work.
Don't let them destroy your effort.
As for you administrator, why don't you go to play somewhere else? You are like a leach, trying to gain from sharing that's beyond profit.

Anonymous said...

Hey mister administrator Smith,
I don't like your site, why don't you get the hell out of here?

Anonymous said...

It amazes me that people complain when blogs like this are closed down. Giving away other people's music without their permission is illegal and is obvious you are going to get rumbled sooner or later. If your readers can find the blog, so can the music biz.

Although I wasn't responsible for closing it down this time, I did grass this blog up some time ago when it posted a single that had been released to raise money for charity.

If you people want to goon stealing other people's work, it doesn't bother me. Just accept the fact that you are going to be closed down every few months and stop whinging about it.

Anonymous said...

Like all Blogs who do post music illegally, this is what happens.

I do download MP3...illegally.

I will miss this Blog TONS...

But one thing that this Blog never did was posting FAKE downloads...

For which I'm VERY GRATEFUL to this Blog, the downloads were ALWAYS the REAL ALBUMS.

This is a new trend it seems, posting FAKE ALBUMS.

I used to download from ather (past tense) REALLY GOOD Blog too:

But they started to have downloads for albums that were NOT the REAL THING...

They currently have a download for the new Madonna CD "Hard Candy" and only 3 of the songs listed in it are the REAL THING, and actually on the upcoming CD, all the other songs being listed as the new CD's album cuts are NOT what you hear, once you have downloaded the link, oh, it is still Madonna songs that you hear allright, but they are old ones.

That Blog only wants to trap people, I got caught too yesterday.

ALL NEW RELEASES never did that, FOOL PEOPLE, and - once again - thank you for being TRUE to your readers and downloaders.

Record companies are killing ALL music Blogs now, although - in a way - it is their right to protect illegal downloading, even THEY do it, and even give TONS OF concert tickets to scalpers for them to resell TO us, the usual concert goers.

So they are not better, really...

Hopefully, THIS WILL NOT BE THE END for this Blog.

Sylvie from Canada.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe i't, my favore mp3 blogg!
come back soon,thanks for everything(specially for the quick response on the ASHES dIVIDE thing).Cheers.

Anonymous said...

hey bleeding!
thanxs so much for your blog! I wish you and us a good start somewhere and somehow... you'll make it!!

Anonymous said...

i can't believe this blog stayed alive for so long!!! providing links to DL free commercial music and having ads onboard that get you paid for it???

was fun while it lasted. time to stop or get smart though. hope you relaunch!


Anonymous said...

welp, another one bites the dust. I just found this site a few weeks ago, it's a shame it's gone already.

I've been keeping up my own blog

It's not as good as this site, but take a look if you like indie, hip hop etc.

Anonymous said...

hi from mexico city, i really miss you man, take your time and plz come back, gracias por todo.

Anonymous said...

love the blog...shame.

do keep me posted on updates!!!

Anonymous said...

It is shame that something like this could happen...ALL NEW RELEASES was the best.. and all my respect is your Andrew.. I hope you will start again..
Take care:)

Marcelo said...

Try or
These options are going fine for some others.

Wilobs said...

i still miss u
i think yo blog was taken down coz of the madona album
yea her and mariah r doing real damage
so watch it

Admin said...

you guys can start at

your new home for free albums

Anonymous said...

So how come this site hasn't been closed down?

Please keep us informed, Andrew!

If music companies don't want their albums uploaded to the net don't allow them to be leaked!

Anonymous said...

A deep thank you Bleeding.
Toon from South Africa

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about the news Bleedling. It's easy to see that you put a lot of time and effort into exposing us to music we would never hear otherwise, and we really appreciate it!
I know you must feel like you've been stabbed in the back right now, as someone apparently reported and got your blog closed down, and its unfortunate that one or two bad eggs can ruin it for everyone. However, the vast majority of visitors love what you do and really appreciate your work.
I hope you continue to expose us to great new bands, but keep in mind that these bad eggs are likely to report you again, and I'd hate to see all your time and effort put to waste. Nodata seems to have been stable as of late, and that Pirate Bay blog might be a good idea to protect yourself, so you may want to check those out. Regardless, a deep thank you from myself, and I hope to see you active again!

Anonymous said...

what happen? who did this? this site was my homepage. hope to see you back

Anonymous said...

@Bleeding: I hope you're still reading this blog and seeing how many fans you have. I really admired your blog and it got me experience all sorts of music I otherwise wouldn't have been exposed too. Stay safe and I'll be checking your version 2 website regularly!


As for the the people asking what happened after the 30th comment or so: please READ INSTEAD OF SCROLL.

Anonymous said...

I'm very sad. Every day I look for some new.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it's a shame

Anonymous said...

so i must saay. i'm really sad this blog disappered. D:

Anonymous said...

HELP please on filedownloadfull

Romain, the code to access the file in rapidshare are 5 characters. There are only 4 characters in the entry field.

In short, I cannot download a file because of this..


PneumaAntilogias said...

fvck that blog introduced me to new bands that i may never found before
(and yes that's because i'm boring to searching the net...)
hope bleeding will find a solution :s

Anonymous said...

fake, fake, fake. you are an impostor. that the word. bleeding: open another blog. we can help you to upload the discs. anita, from chile.

Anonymous said...

Andrew...Your work was thoroughly appreciated. I look forward to your next effort and hope anyone involved in the demise of the blog realizes the futility in their action.

Carolina said...

What a shame!! Well I´m with you I hope your blog reborn like a Fenix!!

Anonymous said...

HELP please on filedownloadfull

Romain, the code to access the file in rapidshare are 5 characters. There are only 4 characters in the entry field.

In short, I cannot download a file because of this..


April 23, 2008 5:20 PM


JP said...

Bleeding i'm very sad for what happened. I want trully thank you for what offering to all of us and i think that you're the best blogger. Please keep us informed.
With love from Greece.

Anonymous said...

Bleeding you are the best, no matter what happens next, you'll know you made a difference. Thanks a lot!

Fuerza campeon! A friend from Peru

Anonymous said...

this sucks the other day I saw it was down. Definately the best place I have ever found regarding music.

I'll miss this site alot!!! I really hope ya bring it back.

Anonymous said...

I will really miss this site. It was my al time favourite music site. Lot's of nice discoveries of new music. I've bought many albums that I first listened through this blog. That is what the big companies and artists should realize.

Anonymous said...

why why why? :(

what a shame, hope you will bring this Superb blog back bleeding

Anonymous said...

hey Andrew,

I only got into Blogging a few months back and quickly found myself on your site a few times a week. It was a constant source of new, interesting music and I was never disappointed by the choice, the descriptions or the links. Best Music Blog I've seen.

I hope you get up again, somewhere somehow. Take care and Good Luck!


ps. good work Mr.Jazz...

Tripnotic said...

This was one of the best music-related blogs, promoting new artists along with info about new releases of established ones. I hope you will regroup soon and continue with the amazing work.

And thanks to mr. jazz who saved the space from the greedy ones.

Best wishes from Macedonia!

Anonymous said...

I'm really going to miss being redirected to that webcam site with girls writhing around in their undies.

-G L I T C H- said...

Rapidshare Premium Link Generator, Download Like A Premium User ->

MsBeckyBoop said...

Wow - I'm shocked! I check every couple of days to see what interesting stuff you've posted. I loved your Blog and certainly hope you get it going again!

Anonymous said...

thanks for all music, come back!!!

yskisu said...


Já sinto saudades:(

Anonymous said...

I can't believe... One of my favourite blogs is down... I hope everything works out, and that we'll have the privilege to enjoy the great music you're bringing!

Novo said...

what a shame... í LOVED your blog :(

Anonymous said...

I'd jus like to say thanks again to Bleeding for all his efforts in posting to this blog.

I have found lots of new bands through it that I would never of heard about.

Which in turn meant that having "illegally" downloaded the album, then went out and actually bought the CD, which meant the record company and band got their pennies from me that they would not otherwise have gotten.

Long Live Bleeding!

Anonymous said...

Any space in the creation ........let us know where you are man I'll visit
Thanks for all the insight into the universe of melody and rhythm !
Internet is wild west......things get wild ! ...things chill
You'll be back..

Anonymous said...

I hope that you do return as you are very much appreciated in that you have introduced the world (which is very small and connected these days) to many bands that most of us out there would not have had a chance to hear.

Not everyone out there who downloads music is there for the freebies. Many of us out actually buy the CDs we enjoy. I most certainly do!

I however will miss the opprotunity to hear more and more new bands. Thank you for all your hard work as it has been a wonderful musical journey and privilege to hear all the new bands and music.
Thank you from Canada.

The Crusader said...

[Sorry for the book, but I am really saddened by this...]

I can only emulate all of the great comments from everyone on here. (except the handful of obvious tools)

Now for me to understand this I have to believe that I am an anomaly to this whole MP3 download thing.....
See, I checked out your blog frequently, downloaded many Albums to sample, often based on your descriptions, etc.
Now here's where it gets crazy - if I really like the band then I on many occasions went and bought it or ordered it online (Amazon, etc) [insane, right?!!?].
And if I didn't like then well I sampled it and do not buy it. (whether I kept it or not on the HD is irrelevant, for if I heard a song on the radio, and didn't like it, well I am not going to buy it, ever, yet I bet I could turn on the radio and hear the exact same song at the exact same time for the next few weeks.)

There were so many unique, inspiring and waiting to be discovered bands showcased on your blog, I can't imagine how I would ever stumble across them!!? Honestly; the radio stations here are so inferior, the video channels are only running reality or talk-over video shows that nothing outside of top 40 is ever played, cable box has music channels which seem to be the same 100 songs over and over in rotation, and don’t even think of going into these bulk electronics' stores and finding new/good music (asking a clerk a question about a song or artist is VERY painful – they seemed bother by your intrusion, and with a blank / confused look on their face, quickly dismiss you, to get back to talking with their co-worker about what?!?! I don’t know, but definitely NOT MUSIC!

Right, it’s only me that does that, right?!? I strongly don't believe that! I can see it in the comments above, I know it in talking to my friends, and it’s really just plain logic nowadays!

Sure there is abuse out there; that’s any business anywhere in the world! When/where before could you discover a great band from another country...across an ocean...a half a world away...

The time is now. Big Music companies need to stand back and take a serious look at themselves - the world has changed! They have a massively larger market than 10, 15, 20 years ago, and so much is due to Blogs such as these. Standing in the way of evolution will only eventually hurt THEM.

For what it’s worth – this is another thank you from Canada! I can only imagine the countless and selfless hours you invested in this blog. And you should consider it an investment – the return on that can be the solace in knowing how many people you enriched and introduced new music too.

Michael in Ontario, Canada
[a quieter place tonight]

Unknown said...


sorry, dear. this blog was/is brilliant. it's helped me find out about some great artists. here's to hoping that you and mr. jazz get this figured out very soon. please keep us posted. take care. and just do your best to ignore the stupid people trying to bring you down.

Anonymous said...

Shock! Waiting for you back again, Bleeding! Missing your music a lot!

Anonymous said...

well who ever as done this i hope your finger nails turn to fishooks and you get a nasty itch in the water works area, what a twatish thing to do i hope you lose sleep over it because these things seem to come back and bite so i hope you get yours you twat

A Silent Room said...

:o What have happened???
Go on!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, did you checkout the site Digital Music Guide. It has an amazing number of great mp3 downloads.

kerrso05 said...

Another great Blog also was shut down like this one and it was called Bolachas Grátis but it has reappeared so lets hope Bleeding and MrJazz gets this sorted and is back doing what they do best.

Bolachas Grátis can now be found at this address

Anonymous said...

so has anyone tried downlaoding from someone please give me a good site. damn haters shutting down another good site. help me someone

annabananna said...

just in case some of you haven't read about it: here's bleedings new site:

and in case anyone wonders why the site is from croatia now, here's bleedings explanation:

thanks, bleeding, for being back!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bleeding,

Is annabannana for real in saying you've moved to a Croatian site or is it just another dude trying to pull on the sad demise of your brilliant blog?

Let us know. We want to follow you to your future home!

bleeding said...

annabannana's real. The new home of All New Releases is in

Mrjazz if you're reading this please make a post with a direct link to the new url. I sent you an email but it must have ended it up to your junk folder as the previous one

Anonymous said...

I`m so sad this happened.... why????? i really don`t get it...

i have a blog too... check it out.... if you want of course....

Adoll said...

I am happy for your new site bleeding.. the korwatian one,
Dont forget you all to check my blog for new and old music :)

gaborp said...

hey thanks for the Fine Frenzy on soulseek. Therefore i give you a link :P

Anonymous said...

DeliDumrul said...

why people do bad thing such like eating our site

Chester said...

HapiBlogging to you my friend! Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

Click here for the Best Music Blog in the blogger history

Anonymous said...

hey administrator., you're so unlucky because your new domain is also suspended., hehehe

Anonymous said...

Since I knew this site I have been buying more CDs. I actually found it ironic that the more online stuff I have access to, I more I am inclined to buy the actual and other related CDs. I guess this site is not that bad after all. Those labels should change their business strategy to attract more buyers. This site is actually helping them.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the OT comment, but I would like to let you know about my new custom search engine, MUSIC BLOG SEARCH. Since you have music downloads here, I thought you might be interested in having your blog indexed. :)

Here's our link: MUSIC BLOG SEARCH.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Hey Dude

I cant believe that your new Cleakblogspot site has also been taken down now!!
Any chance you can post updates here?
A loyal supporter

Gianni deCaruso said...

searching desparately for your new blog after your +cleak+ was shut down.
Pls send me an info about your intentions to build a new one.

mp3zzz said...

check it out for updates about the 4th version and spread the news


Anonymous said...

Great story as for me. It would be great to read a bit more concerning this topic.
BTW check the design I've made myself Female escorts

Aristo Rinjuang said...

what happen?

Raghav said...

what happened..??
thats strange.

Unknown said...

We should thank you for giving such a wonderful blog. Your site
happens to be not only informative but also very imaginative too. We
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articles that creatively. All of us are on the lookout for information
on something like this. I Myself have gone through several blogs to
build up on knowledge about this.We look forward to the next posts !!

noleggio audio said...

Wow!! This is nice website. I like this site. I would like to be invited if are thinking to private your blog. In other way, I hope you can re-open the blog. Too many people wait you do it.Good work. Thanks a lot for this good music.

hcg said...

One moment, I'll post mine soon. just wanted to say I love your new site!

IP Address Tracker said...

Very Nice Post

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